Tobi Balogun

PhotoIreland: Relay Ireland Announcing Artists

Tobi Balogun
PhotoIreland: Relay Ireland Announcing Artists

announces the 3 Irish artists selected to join the artist-driven RELAY Mentorship Programme in 2023. They are: Daranijoh Sanni (E The Artist), Samantha Brown, and Tobi Balogun. The Digital Hub has kindly provided an artists studio for this period, where each artist will have a space to develop a project over three months, with the close guidance of artist Alice Rekab, presenting the resulting output during PhotoIreland Festival in July-August 2023.

RELAY encourages cross-disciplinary approaches aimed at those who wish to experiment and expand the ways in which they make their work and to cultivate new ideas on what they make and how it is presented or seen and experienced in the world. Artists of all visual arts practices were invited to apply.

The mentorship programme will reflect and engage every year with the changing themes and ambitions of PhotoIreland Festival.

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