Tobi Balogun

PhotoIreland Festival 2023 - Ara

Tobi Balogun
PhotoIreland Festival 2023 - Ara

‘ARA’ - passageway to freedom’ is an interrogation of black masculinity through surrealism and sustainable methods. Theorising the body as a liminal space. A transitionary state that itself transitions through space both real and figurative. A Noah’s ark. Looking at black masculinity as something we build together, a sacred vessel shaped by community. What forms a man and in response how do we shape ourselves in parallel to our community on the journey. Using the concept of suspension within cultural contexts as a core language, Ara journeys through the artist's experience both personal and cultural in expressing these nuances.

Tobi Balogun is a multidisciplinary artist. Over the past years, Tobi has been building a multidisciplinary practice bringing together dance, spoken word, sound and visual installation. Tobi's work incorporates his experience with black masculinity, attempting to present a nuanced perspective into this topic that also reflects on the artist's Irish roots as a diaspora artist.

Supported by Relay, a PhotoIreland mentorship program.

Mentor: Alice Rekab

RELAY is supported by the Arts Council of Ireland, Dublin City Council, and The Digital Hub.